Funding Information


Traineeships are initially awarded for one year. Contingent on the trainee's progress, based on the trainee and mentor annual reports and the trainee's participation in required classes and activities, renewal will be made for a second year by the training program director. 


Trainees currently receive an annual stipend from the training grant of $25,320, issued monthly ($2,110/mo).  Stipends should be supplemented by the trainee’s mentor and/or department to bring the level of support to at least that equal to a 49% Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) level; the trainee should see their graduate program's SAO for the exact amount of this supplement.


The C&MB training grant attempts to cover full registration and medical insurance fees. However, the NIH does not fully support these fees.  Up until now, we have been able to cover the tuition/fees for approximately two and a half of the three academic quarters additional funding from UCLA Grad Division.  If we are unable to secure this additional funding in the future, faculty mentors will be responsible for covering any shortfall.


Stipends are considered fellowships, and are not taxed as received.  However, the stipend/fellowship must be reported on the trainee’s yearly tax forms.  Trainees may want to adjust their W2 payroll deductions to compensate.  Go to, or go directly to the Fellowship Tax Information page for more details, which has a link to the 1098-T form that is reported to the IRS by UCLA.  For additional information, trainees can contact their departmental payroll office for advice.

Travel Awards

Limited travel funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis for a talk or presentation of a paper or poster at scientific meetings.  Limited funds are also available for intensive training courses and workshops.  Trainees must inform the C&MB Program Coordinator and request a travel application as early as possible prior to the conference, course, or workshop to determine funding availability.